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Due Date Extensions

It can be hard to give us all the information we need on time. We can look at "Good Faith" extensions and "Special Circumstances" to help you out.

Good Faith Extensions

A "good faith" extension can give you extra time to send us information. You may need extra time because your mail was lost or stolen. Or maybe you were very sick. Or maybe you can't reach your employer or someone else to get us the information on time.

Special Circumstances

In some cases, there may be no way for you to get us the information we need. This can be because of natural disasters like fires or floods. Or an employer or someone else may refuse to give you proof. Or domestic violence or being homeless may keep you from getting proof. In these cases, we may take your word as proof of the information we need.

How it Works

Do you need a Good Faith extension or think you have a Special Circumstance? Call us at 1-800-250-8427. Our team will look at your case. We will tell you if you get extra time. We will tell you if we will take your word as proof.


  • We may give you extra time more than once. In some cases, we will decide to take your word as proof.
  • No extensions can be granted after we have closed your case.
  • You may send written proof after the due date. We will take a look at your proof and tell you next steps.

We are here to help you and make sure you are treated fairly. Have questions or need to know more? Call us for free at 1-800-250-8427.