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Medicaid for the Aged, Blind and Disabled (MABD)

This information is for individuals applying for or renewing Medicaid based on being age 65 or older, blind or disabled.

You can now apply for and renew your Medicaid online at See our step-by-step user guide to create an account and navigate the application.

I received a renewal notice in the mail. What do I do?

To apply for Medicaid if you are not age 65+, blind and disabled, go to the Vermont Health Connect website.


When you apply for MABD, you will be screened for the following programs:

  • Medicaid for the Aged, Blind and Disabled (MABD) for people who are 65 years of age or older, and/or who are blind and disabled.
  • VPharm (Pharmacy Program) for people on Medicare to help pay for prescription drugs.
  • Medicare Savings Program (MSP) for people with Medicare to help pay for Medicare premiums, deductibles, and copays.
  • Disabled Children’s Home Care (DCHC) (Katie Beckett) for children with disabilities who are living at home and would be eligible for Medicaid if living in an institution. Parent’s income and resources are not counted when determining eligibility. However, we do need to know the child’s income and resources.
  • Healthy Vermonters Program (HVP) for all Vermonters without pharmacy coverage. This program provides a discount on some prescriptions.

*If you only want to apply for VPharm, and/or HVP, please visit Prescription Assistance for a shorter application.

*If looking for more information on Long-Term Care Medicaid, please visit Long-Term Care.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for MABD you must:

  1. Be a Vermont resident;
  2. Meet one of the following criteria:
    • Aged - 65 years of age or over;
    • Blind; or
    • Disabled (as defined by the Social Security Administration); and
  3. Meet the financial criteria, including:

*You can view the eligibility standards for prior years by visiting Prior Year Eligibility Standards.

How to apply:

Acceptable Verification Documents

How do I report a change?

  1. Call us at 1-800-250-8427.
  2. Complete the 200GMC change report form.​​
  • ​​​You can fill out the 200GMC form on your computer OR you can print a copy to complete by hand.

​3. Submit the 200GMC change report form online or mail it to us.

​​​ Online using the Uploader:

  • ​Once the form is complete:
    • ​Save the completed form to your computer.
    • Read the Uploader Instructions.
    • Submit the form on the website
    • Select “healthcare” as the program you are submitting the form for and then upload it.

​​​​Mail: Green Mountain Care, Application and Document Processing Center, 280 State Drive, NOB 1 South, Waterbury, VT 05671-1500

How do I renew? There are 5 ways to renew:

1. Complete by hand the 202MED Review renewal form we sent to you in the mail. Return it to us using the envelope with the green stripe we included in the renewal packet. OR

2. PRINT and FILL OUT by hand the 202MED Review renewal form. MAIL your completed AND signed renewal form, along with copies of required documents to:

  • Green Mountain Care, Application and Document Processing Center, 280 State Drive, NOB 1 South, Waterbury, VT 05671-1500

3. Complete the renewal form ONLINE. Save paper and fully renews you Medicaid online at You will need an account to use this portal. Use the same log in information if you already have an account with the Document Uploader.

Renew Online

4. Call us at 1-855-899-9600. Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm.

5. Contact an in-person Assister to help with the renewal form.

If we don't get the renewal form by the deadline, your health benefits will end.

Have questions? Need help applying?

If you have questions about your eligibility for MABD Medicaid or how to apply or how to renew, please call 1-800-250-8427.

What happens next?

Green Mountain Care will determine your eligibility. If you are found eligible, your eligibility will be reviewed at least once a year.