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Agendas and Materials

Please note: 

Unless otherwise specified, all meetings are scheduled from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Meetings are being held on conference call ONLY. Please do not go to the Waterbury State Office Complex.

 Join on your computer or call in: 

Click here to join the meeting

1 802-828-7667

Conference ID: 345 111 512#

2024 Advisory Committee Meetings

October Agenda | Presentation

September Agenda | Presentation

July Agenda | Presentation

June Agenda | Presentation

May Agenda | Presentation

April Agenda | Presentation

March Agenda | Presentation

February Agenda | Presentation

January Agenda | Presentation

2023 Advisory Committee Meetings

December Agenda | FY25 MEAC Budget Letter | Powerpoint

November Meeting Postponed

October Agenda | Powerpoint

September Agenda | Powerpoint

August No meeting held

July Agenda | Powerpoint

June Agenda | Powerpoint

May Agenda | Powerpoint

April Agenda | Powerpoint

March Agenda | Powerpoint

February Agenda | Powerpoint | SFY24 DVHA Budget Narrative

January Agenda | Powerpoint

2022 Advisory Committee Meetings

December No meeting held

November Agenda | Powerpoint

October Agenda | Powerpoint

September Agenda | Powerpoint

August  No meeting held

July Agenda | Powerpoint

June Agenda | Powerpoint

May Agenda | Powerpoint

April Agenda | Powerpoint

March Agenda | Powerpoint

February Agenda | Powerpoint

January Agenda | Powerpoint

2021 Advisory Committee Meetings

December No meeting held

November Agenda | Powerpoint | Immigrant Health Insurance Plan - ACT 48 Rule

October Agenda | Powerpoint

September Agenda | Powerpoint

August No meeting held

July Agenda | Powerpoint

June Agenda | Powerpoint

May Agenda | Powerpoint | DVHA Final Recommendations for Audio-Only Telephone Services

April Agenda | Powerpoint

March Agenda | Powerpoint

February Agenda | Powerpoint

January Agenda | Powerpoint

2020 Advisory Committee Meetings

December No meeting held

November Agenda | Powerpoint

October Agenda | Powerpoint

September Agenda | Powerpoint

August Agenda | Powerpoint

July Agenda | Powerpoint

June Agenda | Powerpoint

May Agenda | Powerpoint | Preliminary Results HCA COVID-19 Survey | Key Points from Open-Ended Survey Questions

April Agenda | Vermont Medicaid Response to State of Emergency

March Meeting cancelled due to COVID-19 public health emergency

February Agenda | Powerpoint

January Agenda | Powerpoint