Contract Directory
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- BCBSVT 2025 Qualified Health Participation (QHP) Agreement
- BCBSVT Issuer Guidance for Participation 2025
- BCBSVT Trading Partner Agreement (TPA)
- BCBSVT Business Partner Agreement (BPA)
- BCBSVT Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA)
- MVP 2025 Qualified Health Participation (QHP) Agreement
- MVP Issuer Guidance for Participation 2025
- MVP Trading Partner Agreement (TPA)
- MVP Business Partner Agreement (BPA)
- MVP Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA)
- NEDD 2025 Qualified Health Participation (QHP) Agreement
- NEDD Issuer Guidance for Participation 2025
- NEDD Trading Partner Agreement (TPA)
- NEDD Business Partner Agreement (BPA)
- NEDD Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA)
Contract Number: 45387
Vendor: ActivStyle (Champlain Valley Brace and Limb)
Description/Title: Providing incontinence supplies to Vermont Medicaid Members
Contract Number: 41772
Vendor: Age Well
Description/Title: Administer health care eligibility outreach activities to assist persons over 60 in the Burlington, VT district catchment area
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 31666
Vendor: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Services
Description/Title: Supervised practical experience and training in the health sciences
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 44549
Vendor: Alice G. Casler
Description/Title: Clinical expertise on Katie Beckett appeals and fair hearings
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 44187
Vendor: Applied Memetics, LLC
Description/Title: Quality improvement practice facilitation services for VT Blueprint for Health enrolled medical practices and community collaboratives
Contract Number: 39933
Vendor: Archetype Consulting, Inc.
Description/Title: Vermont Health Connect: business intelligence and reporting related to online health insurance
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Contract Number: 39720
Vendor: ARIS Solutions, Inc.
Description/Title: Connecting the State's Electronic Visit Verification solution with the State's Financial Medicaid System
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 42980
Vendor: BerryDunn
Description/Title: Conduct an independent examination of VHC's compliance with federal government regulations
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 48594
Vendor: BerryDunn
Description/Title: Medicaid Enterprise consulting and procurement assistance
Contract Number: 47060
Vendor: Beverly Adcock
Description/Title: Plain Language
Contract Number:
Vendor: Bi-State Primary Care Association 45704
Description/Title: Sharing and analysis of Medicaid claims data to improve services delivered to Medicaid members
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 25194
Vendor: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont
Description/Title: Offer qualified health plans on Vermont Health Connect
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
Contract Number: 41429
Vendor: Brattleboro Retreat
Description/Title: Participation in a pilot alternative payment model for impatient services
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Contract Number: 44125
Vendor: Briljent, Inc.
Description/Title: Health data strategy, VHCURES integration strategy and Medicaid data warehouse and analytics solutions data governance
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 46117
Vendor: Briljent, Inc.
Description/Title: Development of a comprehensive integration strategy between DVHA and the VHIE
Contract Number: 35403
Vendor: Capitol Health Associates, LLC
Description/Title: M&O for Blueprint Vermont's Clinical Registry
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 37451
Vendor: Carahsoft Technology Corp
Description/Title: Authentication solution
Contract Number: 35786
Vendor: Center for Behavioral Health Integration, LLC
Description/Title: QI practice facilitation for VT Blueprint for Health medical practices and community collaboratives
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 48005
Vendor: Center for Health and Learning, LTD
Description/Title: Organization, coordination, facilitation, and delivery of Blueprint-sponsored Mental Health (MH) and/or Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment education and training
Contract Number: 41774
Vendor: Central Vermont Council on Aging
Description/Title: Administer health care eligibility outreach activities to persons over 60 in Barre, VT
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 40577
Vendor: Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice
Description/Title: Delivering a Solution Interface for the EVV program
Contract Number: 38029
Vendor: Change Healthcare Pharmacy Solutions, Inc f/k/a Goold Health Systems, Inc.
Description/Title: Negotiation of drug rebate contracts on behalf of the 12 member states of the SSDC agreement
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 34056
Vendor: Change Healthcare Pharmacy Solutions, Inc f/k/a Goold Health Systems, Inc.
Description/Title: Vermont health services enterprise pharmacy benefit manager
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Contract Number: 47219
Vendor: Change Healthcare Technologies, LLC
Description/Title: Clinical criteria license software to assist the Clinical Unit
Contract Number: 36706
Vendor: Change Healthcare Technologies (f/k/a McKesson)
Description/Title: Clinical criteria license software to assist the Clinical Unit
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Contract Number: 45678
Vendor: Classic Optical Laboratories, Inc.
Description/Title: Optical benefits for Vermont Medicaid beneficiaries
Contract Number: 43575
Vendor: Center for the Study of Services d/b/a Consumers' Checkbook
Description/Title: Plan Comparison Tool for VHC
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 47247
Vendor: Care Transformation Collaborative of Rhode Island
Description/Title: Training for the Online Integrated Behavioral Health Practice Facilitation Training Program
Contract Number: 41062
Vendor: Cotiviti
Description/Title: Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set Measures (HEDIS)
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 41773
Vendor: Council on Aging for Southeastern VT d/b/a Senior Solutions
Description/Title: Administer health care eligibility outreach activities to assist persons over 60 in the Springfield, VT district catchment area
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 28461
Vendor: CSG Government Solutions, Inc.
Description/Title: QA/IV&V for State MMIS projects
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 45649
Vendor: CSG Government Solutions, Inc.
Description/Title: QA/IV&V for State MMIS projects
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 44192
Vendor: Custom Rx Solutions LLC
Description/Title: Administrative support services to the SSDC
Contract Number: 41764
Vendor: DataStat, Inc.
Description/Title: Patient Experience Survey
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 25206
Vendor: Delta Dental of Vermont
Description/Title: Offer qualified health and dental plans on Vermont Health Connect
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
Contract Number: 28739
Vendor: eQHealth Solutions, Inc
Description/Title: Care Management Solutions: DDI and Technical Support Services for the VT Chronic Care Initiative
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Contract Number: 33924
Vendor: eviCore Healthcare MSI, LLC d/b/a eviCore Healthcare f/k/a MedSolutions
Description/Title: Radiology benefits management services
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 39504
Vendor: Front Porch Forum
Description/Title: Statewide advertising
Contract Number: 35485/35485B
Vendor: Gainwell Technologies, f/k/a DXC Technology Services, LLC
Description/Title: MMIS Provider and Member Services & Fiscal Agent services
Amendments: #1 & Novation, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Contract Number: 42868
Vendor: Gainwell Technologies
Description/Title: MMIS Provider and Member Services & Fiscal Agent services
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 35003
Vendor: (18F) U.S. General Services Administration's Federal Acquisition Service, Technology Transformation Services
Description/Title: Provide agile acquisition consulting services for the State's Integrated Eligibility & Enrollment Program
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 37712
Vendor: Gifford Health Care, Inc.
Description/Title: Development and delivery of MAT learning sessions facilitated by Dr. Lukonis
Contract Number: 41644
Vendor: Green Mountain Accounting and Tax PC
Description/Title: Independent Appeals Officer for DVHA's Rate Setting Unit
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 44966
Vendor: Hall Communications, Inc.
Description/Title: Radio broadcasting to create awareness and remind target population of deadlines for enrollment in Vermont Health Connect
Contract Number: 36456
Vendor: Health Management Associates (f/k/a Burns & Associates, Inc.)
Description/Title: Medicaid rate setting and fee schedule consultation
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 43613
Vendor: Health Management Associates, Inc.
Description/Title: Medicaid rate setting and fee schedule consultation
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 48933
Vendor: Health Management Associates, Inc.
Description/Title: Evaluate options and features of a potential statewide patient engagement platform for health data, including health data relevant to home and community-based providers
Contract Number: 41409
Vendor: HealthTech Solutions
Description/Title: Consulting services for the HIE Steering Committee
Contract Number: 37372
Vendor: Jaclyn Holden
Description/Title: QI Facilitation work on behalf of the Blueprint for Health program
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 38174
Vendor: John Brooklyn, MD
Description/Title: Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) learning session
Contract Number: 39899
Vendor: Julie Trottier, LLC
Description/Title: Quality Improvement Practice Facilitation Services and Training for Blueprint enrolled providers
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 43439
Vendor: Just Causes Consulting, LLC
Description/Title: Quality Improvement Practice Facilitation Services and Training for Blueprint enrolled providers
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 37917
Vendor: Lantana Consulting Group, Inc.
Description/Title: Consulting services for the HIE Steering Committee
Contract Number: 45531
Vendor: Lindsay H. Parker
Description/Title: Policy, regulatory, and strategy technical assistance and consulting services
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 47156
Vendor: Market Decisions LLC d/b/a Market Decisions Research
Description/Title: Supporting the qualitative evaluation of the processes and outcomes of the CHT Expansion Pilot
Contract Number: 46674
Vendor: Dr. Martindell Monique Thompson
Description/Title: Quality improvement practice facilitation services for Vermont Blueprint for Health
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 36600
Vendor: Maurine Gilbert
Description/Title: QI Facilitation work on behalf of the Blueprint for Health program
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 45572
Vendor: Mazars USA LLP
Description/Title: Independent breakdown of costs and a cost benchmarking analysis on VHIE M&O Costs
Contract Number: 20959A
Vendor: Maximus Health Services, Inc.
Description/Title: Beneficiary enrollment and customer service for SOV Public Health Plans
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11
Contract Number: 47230
Vendor: Medicasoft LLC
Description/Title: Supporting the quantitative evaluation of the processes and outcomes of the CHT Expansion Pilot
Contract Number: 46686
Vendor: Meredith Noel Milligan, MD
Description/Title: QI Facilitation work on behalf of the Blueprint for Health program
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 33476
Vendor: Midwest Drug Consulting, LLC
Description/Title: Services in support of the SSDC's programs for Medicaid supplemental drug rebates and other Medicaid pharmacy benefit rebates
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 44976
Vendor: Montpelier Broadcasting Inc. d/b/a The Point
Description/Title: Radio broadcasting to create awareness and remind target population of deadlines for enrollment in Vermont Health Connect
Contract Number: 25195
Vendor: MVP Health Care
Description/Title: Offer qualified health plans on Vermont Health Connect
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
Contract Number: 33157
Vendor: Myers and Stauffer LC
Description/Title: Cost settlement and audit services
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 39766
Vendor: Myers and Stauffer LC
Description/Title: Medicaid Long Term Care Case Mix Methodology Transition Consulting Services
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 41191
Vendor: Myers and Stauffer LC
Description/Title: Cost settlement and audit services for Vermont's Medicaid programs
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 43423A
Vendor: MYS Health, PLLC f/k/a Northwest Medical Surgical Associates, Inc.
Description/Title: Medicaid managed care utilization review
Amendments: Novation #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 39874
Vendor: National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Description/Title: Access and use of web services to transfer SERFF data between State departments (new 2020 agreement)
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 48226
Vendor: National Opinion Research Center
Description/Title: Development of a Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Roadmap
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 36881
Vendor: Nava PBC
Description/Title: Integrated Benefits Pilot Module and Associated Consulting Services (Phase 1)
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 44269
Vendor: New England States Consortium Systems Organization (NESCSO)
Description/Title: Enable the assistance with and procurement of and Asset Verification Service
Contract Number:47790
Vendor: The North Higland Company LLC
Description/Title: Medicaid Data Warehouse and Analytics Solution
Contract Number:41775
Vendor: Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging
Description/Title: Administer health care eligibility outreach activities to assist persons over 60 in the St. Johnsbury, VT district catchment area
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 35570
Vendor: Northern Vermont Area Health Education Center
Description/Title: Facilitate registration and provide evaluations of training events prepared by Blueprint for Health
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 35398
Vendor: Northwest Medical Surgical Associates, Inc.
Description/Title: Medicaid managed care utilization review
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 40435
Vendor: NTT Data State Health Consulting
Description/Title: Technical advisory assistance for procurement
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 34070
Vendor: OneCare Vermont Accountable Care Organization, LLC
Description/Title: Provide supporting services for the Vermont All-Payer ACO Model
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Contract Number: 32318
Vendor: OneCare Vermont Accountable Care Organization, LLC
Description/Title: ACO Pilot Project for Vermont's Medicaid Program
Exhibit 1 to Attch. B
Exhibit 1 to Attach. A
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
Contract Number: 42438
Vendor: OneCare Vermont Accountable Care Organization, LLC
Description/Title: Provide supporting services for the Vermont All-Payer ACO Model
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 28076
Vendor: OnPoint Health Data
Description/Title: Analysis and report for healthcare spending, utilization, quality measurement, and outcomes
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 48269
Vendor: OnPoint Health Data
Description/Title: Healthcare analytic services for the Blueprint for Health program
Contract Number: 31750
Vendor: OptumInsight, Inc.
Description/Title: IT M&O of the State's VHC Business Apps, HSEP, and ITSM software platform
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Contract Number: 18928
Vendor: Oracle America, Inc.
Description/Title: Software licenses and maintenance support
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Contract Number: 35399
Vendor: Percipient, LLC
Description/Title: Provide solution to allow conversion of emails into redactable format, among other services
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 37677
Vendor: Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
Description/Title: Develop and deliver curriculum, training, and tech assistance for Blueprint's WHI skill training sessions
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 48004
Vendor: ActivStyle Pride Center of Vermont
Description/Title: Training for Community health team staff, Quality Improvement Facilitators, Reception, Office managers and any provider within patient-centered medical homes working with 2STLGBQ+ peoples.
Contract Number: 45041
Vendor: Public Consulting Group
Description/Title: Designing of a program that incentivizes targeted Medicaid providers to acquire and utilize electronic health record technology
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 47338
Vendor: Public Consulting Group
Description/Title: Providing business support to home and community-based service providers to become informed and participate with the Medicaid Data Aggregation & Access Program
Contract Number: 44971
Vendor: Radio Broadcasting Services, Inc. d/b/a Champlain Radio Group
Description/Title: Radio broadcasting to create awareness and remind target population of deadlines for enrollment in Vermont Health Connect
Contract Number: 39886
Vendor: Raymond Taylor
Description/Title: Development of a Microsoft Excel tool to perform statistically valid extrapolationsfor State audits
Contract Number: 43438
Vendor: Ryan Torres
Description/Title: QI practice facilitation for VT Blueprint for Health medical practices and community collaboratives
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 41776
Vendor: Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging, Inc
Description/Title: Administer health care eligibility outreach activities to persons over 60 in Rutland, VT
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 24433
Vendor: Stone Environmental, Inc.
Description/Title: Blueprint for Health - reproducing already developed prototypes for a web accessible database application
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4
Contract Number: 41853
Vendor: Speridian Technologies, LLC
Description/Title: Quality assurance, testing, and business subject matter expert resources
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 41854
Vendor: Strategic Solutions Group, LLC
Description/Title: Quality assurance, testing, and business subject matter expert resources
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 36858
Vendor: The Change Factory
Description/Title: Facilitation services for a staff development training for IE&E
Contract Number: 45888
Vendor: Thomasena Coates
Description/Title: QI Facilitation work on behalf of the Blueprint for Health program
Contract Number: 41851
Vendor: Treinen Associates LLC
Description/Title: Quality assurance, testing, and business subject matter expert resources
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 45987
Vendor: Trustees of Dartmouth College
Description/Title: Blueprint for Health sponsored Mental Health and/or Substance Use Disorder treatment learning sessions
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 37683
Vendor: University of Vermont
Description/Title: UVM's CMIE to plan and Implement the Blueprint Annual Conference for 2019
Contract Number: 34113
Vendor: University of Vermont (VCHIP)
Description/Title: Blueprint for Health - Quality improvement facilitator
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Contract Number: 43977
Vendor: University of Vermont (VCHIP)
Description/Title: Blueprint for Health - Quality improvement facilitator (new 2022)
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 48686
Vendor: The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Description/Title: Providing consultant support for requirements-gathering from stakeholders to develop Unified Health Data Space (UHDS) data-analytic reports and tools.
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 46531
Vendor: University of Vermont Medical Center
Description/Title: Comprehensive treatment of chronic pain conditions for Medicaid Members
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 34705
Vendor: University of Vermont Medical Center
Description/Title: Provide program evaluation and QI services to promote Self Management Program expansion for Blueprint for Health's 14 Health Service Area
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 37678
Vendor: University of Vermont Medical Center
Description/Title: Women's Health Initiative skill training sessions
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Contract Number: 42012
Vendor: University of Vermont Medical Center & University of Vermont
Description/Title: Graduate Medicaid Education payments
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Letter Agreement
Letter Agreement - Amended
Contract Number: 43142
Vendor: Vermont Information Technology Leaders
Description/Title: Continued maintenance, management, and deployment of VHIE operation and HDM infrastructure
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 45815
Vendor: Vermont Information Technology Leaders
Description/Title: Continued maintenance, management, and deployment of VHIE operation and HDM infrastructure
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 48215
Vendor: Vermont Information Technology Leaders
Description/Title: Development, maintenance, and operations of the Vermont Health Information Exchange (VHIE)
Contract Number: 34253
Vendor: Vermont Legal Aid, Inc.
Description/Title: Increase Medicare recoveries to offset Medicaid program costs
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 44970
Vendor: Vermont Public Co.
Description/Title: Radio broadcasting to create awareness and remind target population of deadlines for enrollment in Vermont Health Connect
Contract Number: 41132
Vendor: Vermont Public Transportation Association
Description/Title: Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Contract Number: 40578
Vendor: Video Integrated Advertising
Description/Title: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Awareness Animation
Contract Number: 44965
Description/Title: Radio broadcasting to create awareness and remind target population of deadlines for enrollment in Vermont Health Connect
Contract Number: 43827A
Vendor: Wakely Consulting Group, LLC
Description/Title: Actuarial Services to aid in development of ACO rates for VMNG
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 36167
Vendor: Wakely Consulting Group, LLC
Description/Title: Actuarial Services
Amendments: #1, #2, #3
Contract Number: 45730A
Vendor: Wakely Consulting Group, LLC
Description/Title: Actuarial services related to QHPs
Amendments: #1
Contract Number: 38186
Vendor: Wakely Consulting Group, LLC
Description/Title: Actuarial services related to QHPs
Amendments: #1, #2
Contract Number: 28670, Nov. #35876
Vendor: WEX Health, LLC f/k/a Benaissance
Description/Title: Continue providing premium processing services for Vermont Health Connect
Amendments: #1, #2, #3, #4 & Novation, #5, #6, #7, #8
Contract Number: 43565
Vendor: Wisehart, Wimette & Associates, PLC
Description/Title: DSH Audit Services