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Medicaid and Exchange Advisory Committee

In accordance with federal law, the Vermont Medicaid program is required to establish a committee to advise the Medicaid agency director about health and medical care services (42 CFR § 431.12). Federally, committee membership is required to include:

  • Members of consumers’ groups, including Medicaid members;
  • Board-certified physicians and other representatives of the health professions who are familiar with the medical needs of income-eligible population groups and with the resources available and required for their care; and
  • The Director of the public health department (that does not head the Medicaid agency).

The Advisory Committee is federally required to have an opportunity to participate in policy development and program administration. In Vermont, state law also requires the Medicaid and Exchange Advisory Committee to be composed of at least 22 members representing health insurers, the Commissioner of Health, Medicaid members, representatives of businesses of eligible for or enrolled in the Vermont Health Benefit Exchange, advocates for consumer organizations, and health care professionals and representatives from a broad range of health care professionals (33 V.S.A. § 402).

The Medicaid and Exchange Advisory Committee meets 10 times per calendar year, taking a recess in August and December, on the 4th Monday of each month unless otherwise noticed. Meetings are held from 10AM – 12PM and are open to the public.

The Department of Vermont Health Access is committed to improving the health and well-being of Vermonters by providing access to quality health care cost-effectively.

To find out more information, please contact Jennifer Rotblatt by email at or by phone at (802) 879-5900, option 9.